Style Diary – Printed Shirt Dress


Hey Guys!

Hope your week is going well. Does anybody else have the “how is it only Tuesday?” feeling? I shouldn’t but do. I had the day off from work which was so nice because I’m never off during the week so it was a welcomed treat. I headed into town with one of the girls and we got some lunch in McCambridges. Continue reading “Style Diary – Printed Shirt Dress”

Electric Picnic 2015


Hi Guys!

Finally getting around to sitting down to do this post, I seriously don’t know how other bloggers had their Picnic posts up on Monday night.. I’m still not fully recovered and I’m only half the person I was going! But anyway I’ll stop feeling sorry for myself (kinda) and get to it. I’ll start by saying it was the most enjoyable weekend ever. There’s nothing better then heading off to a festival with your best friends for a full weekend to just completely let loose and enjoy yourselves, and we’re quite good at enjoying ourselves so that’s exactly what we did 🙂 Continue reading “Electric Picnic 2015”

Monday Must Haves – Electric Picnic Edition

Hey guys!

As most people will know, Electric Picnic is just around the corner and for many girls alike, that means outfit planning.. festival outfit planning (which just so happens to be my favourite kind!). Festivals are the perfect place to completely let loose and enjoy yourself and that includes your style too. There are no limits to what you can and can’t wear at a festival, literally I’ve seen men dressed in wedding dresses and no one batted an eyelid! Last year was my first year going to Picnic and I absolutely loved it. I think everyone that has ever been will always agree that as festivals go, Picnic has something special, it seems to draw everyone in. So, in the lead up to it, I thought I would share with you my favourite festival inspired gear from my favourite online shops. Continue reading “Monday Must Haves – Electric Picnic Edition”

Shop The Look For Less – The Chloe Drew Bag

Hey guys,

I’m back with my latest pro-bargain hunting post, and this time I’m focusing on the “IT” bag of the year.. The Chloe Drew bag. I think the phrase “there’s beauty in simplicity” really applies in the case of this gorgeous bag. And of course, like most wardrobe staples, it’s it’s simplicity that adds to it’s wearability and timelessness. Dress it up, dress it down, this bag will take you anywhere. Continue reading “Shop The Look For Less – The Chloe Drew Bag”

Shoesday Tuesday – August 11th ’15

Hi everyone,

I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m having one of those weeks where even though it’s only Tuesday, it feels like Thursday and everything is just sort of dragging on. I think the weather is definitely a contributing factor (if you’re reading this from outside Ireland then just consider yourself lucky because we are experiencing a seriously grey Summer!). I know we’re not prone to heat here on the Emerald Isle, but this Summer we just haven’t been able to catch a break! So, you ask, what do I do to cheer myself up on days just like this? The answer – therapy…. retail therapy. And no shopping, try as I might, pleases me quite so much as shoe shopping. With that in mind I decided to round up a few of my favourite pairs that I am currently lusting after! Continue reading “Shoesday Tuesday – August 11th ’15”